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Non-Medical Dementia Care Practices, Programs and Policies + Culturally Responsive Caregiver Support

Non-Medical Dementia Care Practices, Programs and Policies + Culturally Responsive Caregiver Support

Part One: Non-Medical Dementia Care Practices, Programs and Policies

Learn about innovative evidence-based dementia interventions such as dance and visual art, being offered in Canada and around the world. We will look at how various non-medical dementia programs can be designed, implemented, and how they can improve the lives of people living with dementia. We will also explore the policies around non-medical dementia programs in Ontario, Canada, and around the world.

Part Two: Culturally Responsive Caregiver (Informal) Support

Learn about the experience of caregivers and how caregiving has an impact on their physical and mental health. We will explore several programs and services that are designed to support caregivers from culturally diverse backgrounds and their loved ones that have dementia.

October 6

Shifting Understanding of Cultural Competency in Service Provision